I plan to "reach across the aisle" on topics to come to a resolution instead of an endless cycle of nothing being accomplished. We, in district 161, are a melting-pot of society, as America was intended to be.
#Ross joplin mo how to#
I believe that is how to best describe my views and stance with how I perceive Joplin and its views. There has to be some common ground of common sense that we can all meet on. Not all issues are black and white, or in this case, Red or Blue.I will not turn a blind eye and let the job I am elected to do, left incomplete. Unlike my opponent, I plan to vote on all issues, such as to protect our constitutional rights, protect those in retirement communities from abuse, and just to do best by the citizens I am elected to represent. I plan on voting on every issue that I am able to and represent the district to the best of my ability.I have always been a problem solver, so let me solve some of these problems. I didn't just sit inside an office with a phone, pen and computer and make decisions on things I didn't know first-hand.

While working for the City of Joplin, I was the “action guy” who took to the streets to find a solution. If not now, then when? Things are progressively getting worse across our nation and current politicians talk a lot but lack when it comes to action.

If elected, I intend to not only vote to best represent District 161, but also provide a few workable solutions to key issues that plague us on a state and even national level.