Click 'Save' to update your information, which is confirmed by entering your new password.

It may take some time for the email to arrive so be a little patient. Follow the instructions included in the password-reset email you will receive in the email you have submitted.Input the email address that you used to create your Pandora account.Click on the 'Forgotten Password' link situated right below the sign in fields.To reset your password on mobile, follow these steps: If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password using your mobile phone. How you recover your Pandora account is dependent on two factors: the operating system that powers your device and which device you are using to recover your account. To recover your account you will have to retrieve your password or complete change your log in details. Your account may also be hacked and you want to change your registration information. However, after countless automatic log ins, you may have forgotten your password and lost access to your account. All you have to do to start listening to Pandora radio is create an account and you are good to go. The app has a music recommendation feature that allows you to listen to music from any of your favorite artists. Pandora Radio is an online radio service that also doubles as a music streaming application.